My Species

The rulers of High Elves are typically in the Amory or Favian family. The Amory family are the highly intelligent scientists, while the Favian family are the main line royal descendants.

  • Eden Favian-Amory
  • Esmerelda Amory-Favian
  • Eliza Favian-Amory
  • Everett Amory
  • Maya Coventry

The Messengers are a species that consists of Angels and Demons.

Each Messenger reigns over something, be it big or small. They are responsible for all things related to it, including animals and objects.

  • Amma Cynos Caine (Death, injuries)
  • Eli-Jah (LGBTQ+)
  • Hessian (Food)

Oikos is the surname of the main family line, which has a higher magic capacity than any other Oikosians.


  • Abraxas Oikos

Picumbra are the species of the dark. They grew from eggs in the beginning, which only hatched once given secrets. From there, they began to multiply asexually and sexually.

Every Picumbra will have a ‘person’ at some point in their lifetime. This person is who they collect most of their information from, including how they grow.

  • GHOST (Brair Coventry
  • Inky (N/A)

They immigrated from their planet, Ias, to the east.

Their titles are their first names, and the other is their surname. They are all called by their surname, excluding by their leader who calls them their titles.

  • “Dignity” Wesley
  • “Morality” Zoria




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